Laser Hair Removal Insurance

What are Laser Treatments?

Laser treatments across the UK have been increasing in popularity over recent years due to the range of lasers out there and the conditions that they are able to treat, which is ever evolving. Laser treatments can be used for a range of different reasons, to name some would be stretch marks, thread veins, tattoo removal, the removal of fat follicles, alongside many others.

All laser treatments performed require the appropriate insurance. Anyone offering these treatments will know of the risks that are involved with performing them, especially those involving the more abrasive lasers. Ensuring that you are insured against these risks is vital to ensure your business is not left exposed if an incident or claim was to arise.

Woman having laser hair removal procedure performed on face

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What Are The Risks of Laser Beauty Treatments?

Laser hair removal works by using a powerful laser or intense pulsed light (IPL), to penetrate through the skin and heat up the individual hair follicles, which destroys the hair follicle and disrupts hair growth. This form of treatment, along with other laser beauty treatments, does come with its risks including, but not limited to, skin irritations, burns, changes in pigmentation, blistering, scarring and skin discoloration.

If a client experiences these adverse side effects, they may choose to seek compensation, leaving you liable and your business at risk. If you do not have insurance in place to cover you for performing laser treatments, then you are liable for any claim that may be made against yourself in relation to the treatments. 

Laser hair removal treatment

What Cover is Suggested For Laser Hair Removal and Other IPL Treatments?

Whether you work on a mobile basis, provide cosmetic procedures from your own salon or from a third party clinic, you will need to ensure that you have the right comprehensive cover in place.


Medical Malpractice

As cosmetic procedures such as laser hair removal and tattoo removal do pose a risk of damage to clients, sometimes even permanent damage, it is important that you protect yourself and your business with medical malpractice cover, which covers you for any claims made solely in relation to the treatment being performed.


Public Liability

Public Liability insurance will cover any third party that is accidentally injured in your care. This could be something as simple as a client tripping and in turn, injuring themselves.

Should this lead to a compensation claim, having public liability insurance will cover these unforeseen costs. Whilst public liability is not a legal requirement, as a business owner you could find having this cover in place enables you to avoid what could pose a large financial hit. Here at Enhance, our medical malpractice policies include Public Liability as standard for no extra cost, ensuring your business has the correct cover in place.

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What Insurance Do I Need To Provide Laser Treatments?

It is necessary to have a Medical Malpractice policy in place. This can include Public Liability and Products Liability alongside other types of cover.

The Medical Malpractice treatment risk cover protects you against any issues that are directly connected to the laser treatment, or any other treatments you will be performing.

The public liability aspect of the policy will defend you financially in the event that a claim is made against you for causing harm to a customer or their property, whilst they are receiving treatments from you.

In the event that a claim is made regarding the products you use or provide to your customers, products liability insurance keeps you protected.

How Much Is Laser Treatment Insurance?

The price of a Medical Malpractice policy is rated by Insurers based on the material facts, including the turnover figure for the year and which treatments you are providing, based on how risky each treatment is seen to be, so there is no set price for a Medical Malpractice policy covering laser treatments, it is rated based on your business needs.

For us to provide you with a fully accurate quote, please contact us today.

Do I Need Public Liability Insurance To Carry Out Laser Treatments?

Whilst it is not a legal requirement to have public liability insurance, you should be looking to have this cover in place on your policy prior to carrying out any laser treatments. Public liability insurance covers you in the event that a claim is made against you for causing harm to a customer or their property. Here at Enhance, we offer Public Liability as standard on all Medical Malpractice policies, as this is an essential aspect to have when performing treatments to third parties.

What Qualifications/Training Do I Need To Get Laser Treatment Insurance?

The cover is subject to you having received third-party training in laser treatments and you must hold a certificate to confirm this in the event of a claim. To provide cover for laser treatments, you must hold the minimum qualifications for laser treatments, or be a medical professional, who has been trained in providing laser treatments.

If you would like to know whether your qualifications are accepted, please get in touch so we can advise you.

Do You Provide Complete Salon Coverage, To Include Laser Treatments?

Yes – we can provide fully inclusive cover for salons and their owners & employees. If you are the owner of a beauty salon that provides a wide range of treatments, we can provide you with a comprehensive cover to ensure you and your staff are always protected.

Get in touch today to find out how we can provide your business with maximum protection.

What Does a Medical Malpractice Policy Including Laser Treatments Provide Cover For?

It is necessary to have a Medical Malpractice policy in place, which covers your laser treatments. These policies also include Public Liability and Products Liability alongside other heads of cover.

The Medical Malpractice treatment risk cover protects you against any issues that are directly connected to the laser treatment, or any other treatments you will be performing. 

The public liability aspect of the policy will defend you financially in the event that a claim is made against you for causing harm to a customer or their property, whilst they are receiving treatment from you.

In the event that a claim is made regarding the products you use or provide to your customers, product liability insurance keeps you protected.

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