British College of Aesthetic Medicine | Enhance Insurance

British College of Aesthetic Medicine

Proud Partners with BCAM

Enhance has proudly partnered with the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) to bring an exclusive Medical Indemnity Insurance product for BCAM Doctors.

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine exists to advance safe and ethical aesthetic medicine, to encourage regulation within the industry and help to make aesthetic medicine safer and more ethical for the general public.

Enhances believes that Aesthetic Medicine should only be undertaken by registered and licenced medical practitioners. From a risk perspective, Enhance recognises that BCAM represent aesthetic medical practitioners in a unified manner, maintain standards and practice ethics in aesthetic medicine.

The BCAM Members Insurance Scheme has been specifically designed to ensure that Medical Malpractice Limits comply with BCAM’s best practice requirements. Enhance has also agreed preferential rates with its partner insurers for all BCAM Members whilst rewarding the membership groups exemplary claims history with low policy excesses as standard.

Enhance has negotiated a whole host of exclusive membership benefits and products within the BCAM Members insurance product which include, but are not limited to:

365 days a year clinical legal advice line.

Access to the BCAM Risk Management Portal to help you comply with Health & Safety and Employment Law regulations.

Access to a Consultant Psychotherapist telephone support line to discuss any concerns about the emotional and psychological wellbeing of your patients.

Crisis Management and Public Relations Costs.

Exclusive rates for many training and practice management improvement tools including exclusive rates for iConsult clinic management software.

Forensic Defence costs following a breach of your network.

GMC Fitness to Practice Investigation Costs and Legal Expenses.

We believe that the BCAM Members Insurance Scheme will only continue to benefit the members of BCAM. Enhance is offering every member a complimentary and no obligation risk management and review for your clinic insurance and other associated business risks.

To find out more about our BCAM Insurance Scheme, please email

0800 980 3776
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