BCAM Members and Enhance

BCAM Members and Enhance

Enhance has proudly partnered with the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) to bring a Medical Indemnity Insurance product for BCAM Doctors and an exclusive package.

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine exists to advance safe and ethical aesthetic medicine, to encourage regulation within the industry and help to make aesthetic medicine safer and more ethical for the general public.

Enhances believes that Aesthetic Medicine should only be undertaken by registered and licenced medical practitioners. From a risk perspective, Enhance recognises that BCAM represents aesthetic medical practitioners in a unified manner, maintaining standards and practice ethics in aesthetic medicine.

We have worked with BCAM to create a package for members called the BCAM Members Enhancement Package. In it we include services that are not exclusive to our own clients. We want BCAM members to benefit from this package regardless of whether they choose our insurance services or not.

cosmetologist in surgical gloves holding syringe filled with filler and talking to client in clinic

The BCAM Members

Enhancement Package

BCAM Members Enhancement Package Overview

Enhance’s BCAM Members Enhancement Package has been made to provide a group of services for the convenience and benefit of new and existing members. The services included but not limited to are the following:

Our online Quote and Buy Portal

This portal is our fast solution for those seeking a typical Medical Malpractice or Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy. Quotes can be made in minutes, and the policy can then be purchased securely Via our online portal.

BCAM British College of Aesthetic Medicine

Dedicated Claims Support

If an unfortunate event has led a member to seek a claim on their insurance, we can help. Client of ours or not, our dedicated claims team can advise BCAM Members through the process.

24/7 Free Medico Legal helpline

Available all year round at any time, a service to help with medical-legal emergencies. This service is provided by Hill Dickinson.

CQC Regulation Consultants

Inspire to Outstand are CQC regulation consultants who can help you navigate your way through the CQC registration process. The team will provide evidence-based advice on how to satisfy all the requirements needed for successful registration.

30 Days Free Trial Risk Compliance platform

Crysp is a leading digital risk compliance platform designed to streamline the management of regulatory requirements making your taking away the hassle of your CQC duties.

We believe that the BCAM Members Enhancement Package will only continue to benefit the members of BCAM. Enhance is offering every member a complimentary and no obligation risk management and review for your clinic insurance and other associated business risks.

To find out more about our BCAM Members Enhancement Package, please email hello@enhanceinsurance.co.uk

0800 980 3776
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