Choosing the Right Patients for your Clinic
When you start running a business, it’s natural to want as many customers as possible. Surely more customers mean more profits, right? Wrong.
Trying to satisfy lots of different types of people with varying concerns, appearances, beliefs, values and attitudes will make your life very difficult. This is particularly the case when running an aesthetics clinic.
Social media and celebrity culture means that demand for treatment is huge, and people have very high expectations of what they think can be achieved. Creating the same results for people who look completely different is virtually impossible, so managing expectations is key.
But how do you do this successfully? Here are our top tips…
- Have open and honest communication
When talking about treatments on your website and social media, always add that potential patients must attend a consultation to establish whether this procedure is right for them. Keep repeating this at every touch point, so they are continuously made aware that your treatments are bespoke, which means results will vary!
- Actively listen
Always take time to understand patients’ concerns, fears and expectations. Try to ask plenty of questions to get as much information as possible, and don’t rush them to give quick answers. Repeat what you’ve heard back to patient to check it aligns with what they’ve tried to get across to avoid any misinterpretation.
- Carefully check medical history
Of course, it’s absolutely essential to take a comprehensive medical and lifestyle history from each patient. Ensure this is documented and carefully review to rule out any contraindications or things that may put the patient at risk of not achieving the results they want.
- Provide comprehensive information
Use layman’s terms to explain medical jargon and outline every step of the potential patient’s journey. Give information verbally and through written communication, encouraging them to ask questions if anything is unclear.
- Outline the timeline
So many people expect instant results, which isn’t always achievable with certain aesthetic treatments. Mapping out what recovery will look like and when they will see a difference in their concerns is an essential part of managing patient expectations.
- Emphasise patient responsibility
It’s important to remember that patients play a crucial role in their own recovery. Reiterate the importance of following your aftercare guidance and attending follow-up appointments. This fosters a sense of responsibility and partnership in the treatment process.
- Don’t be afraid to say no
Remember that a consultation isn’t just for a patient to decide if you and the treatment are for them. It’s also for you to determine whether they are the right patient for you. If you don’t think you can meet their goals, then don’t be afraid to say no!
- Document everything
While you may think you’ve managed patient expectations excellently, have you got it on record? Ensure all conversations and consultations are documented and stored securely, so you can access this information easily if you need it in future. A claim can arise when you least expect it, so being organised in advance will ease the stress and help you manage it effectively!
If you want further advice on managing patient expectations to protect yourself from claims, chat to a member of the Enhance Insurance team today.